Musical Moods

house of cards…

0 Comments 17 January 2013


Your house of cards is gonna fall

Sooner or later

You will pay for

Your house of cards is gonna fall

Too late to cry your gonna get yours

Your house of cards is gonna fall


artist: Foreign Exchange

song: House of Cards

album: Leave It All Behind

house of cards crashing


Mental illness is a cruel, cruel jokester. It makes shitty situations seem perfectly comfortable and/or logical until you get close to a rock bottom scenario. In my case, I think my long non-diagnosed bipolar disorder has contributed to some odd behavior throughout my entire life. Looking back now, after being officially diagnosed,  I see that I can’t explain a lot of my actions/decisions. During what I now know were manic episodes, I displayed an array of self destructive behaviors.  Think of like 10 crazy/bad behaviors you think you would never do…  I am sure I have done 7 of them.   In fact, they read like a textbook bipolar diagnosis.  A lot of the shit I barely remember the  details, let alone a why.   When I finally “come to my senses” in  something resembling normalcy, I have to try and fix everything.  Guess what happens when you try to fix everything all at once.  Nothing good.  Then try doing this cycle over and over for more than 15 years and you’ll understand why it is so hard for me to crawl out of my depressions.  So if you suspect even a little that you may be suffering from sort of mental illness, please ask for help.  Because take it from me, your house of cards is gonna fall sooner or later…


Love y’all.

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